World leader in the design and manufacture of ROV Systems with over 40 years of expertise. Offering a complete set of solutions dedicated to defense, science and institutional organizations.
In the mid 70’s, the pioneering era for Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles, Ing. Guido Gay started developing in Italy his first ROV named “FILIPPO”.
Soon after that, the number one of the PLUTO family was ready and it quickly collected unexpected success in the Navies community.
Idrobotica has been established in Switzerland in the late 80’s.
The first sales of PLUTO to a number of foreign Navies have stimulated Idrobotica to the development of more powerful and advanced ROV systems, paving the way to the successful PLUTO PLUS, PLUTO GIGAS, MIKI, PLUTO PALLA and MULTIPLUTO; all of them natural evolutions of the original PLUTO.
Defense Applications
Pluto Gigas |
Pluto Plus |
Large size ROV
Medium size ROV
Miki |
Pilota |
Small size disposable ROV
Combat Management system
Radio Bouy |
Wireless link
Industrial & Scientific applications |
Pluto Palla |
Multi Pluto |
Small size deep ROV
Very deep sea portable ROV
Pluto Gabbia |
Idrobotica, now occupies a surface of approximately 1500 square meters dedicated to the development, prototyping, and manufacturing of its line of PLUTO ROV systems.
The modern facilities include an up to date technical office, ecologically oriented mechanical and electronic workshop, and technologically front line testing facilities comprehensive of high pressure chambers and benches that allow full functional test and customer acceptance test at maximum operational depth of vehicles, assemblies and sub-assemblies.
Identifying drag resistance of the umbilical cable as the true operational limit of any Remotely Operated Vehicle, Idrobotica has concentrated its development efforts in powering all its PLUTO ROVs from internal batteries thus requiring a cable for communication only of very small diameter to merely 3.6mm.
This solution did not allow round the clock operational profiles as required by most industrial applications, but it has opened unexplored opportunities to operate in extreme tidal current conditions at great distances from the launching site. Not only has this philosophy demonstrated to be successful with international sales to World Navies for Mine clearance operations, but it has contributed to rendering any PLUTO system truly portable and autonomous, without the need of expensive fixed installations or ship redesign, and without the need of outside power sources.
Track Record Idrobotica
with over thirty institutional customers is proud to have contributed with its vehicles to a series of successful international defense campaigns ranging from inspection and clearance in the Adriatic Sea, following the Ex-Yugoslavian war, to demining operation during both Persian Gulf Wars.
While the defense successes of Idrobotica’s vehicles are generally not broadcasted by Navies, the PLUTO PALLA (latest development of the PLUTO family) has recently made international headlines for its extraordinary achievements, with the localization and identification of the long wanted wreckage of the Battleship Roma at a depth of 1200m sunk off the coast of Sardinia on the 9th of September 1943 and the wreck of the SS Transylvania British troop transport ship sunk in the Ligurian Sea in 1917 in 630m depth.
Quality and security classification
Idrobotica’s entire development and manufacturing activities are performed in accordance to the strictest Military Quality standards and certified in accordance to ISO 9001: 2008 regulations.
Idrobotica Security procedures have been approved and certified by the Swiss authorities..